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"When your inner light is shining,
the world sees you in your beauty and responds to
you in a more elevated way"
We base our whole life on moments within time, pieces of information and communication we tell ourselves and then share this signalling with others. Imagine if we were able to follow our natural talents and gifts from an early age and to honour and focus on them. Our talents would lead us to have achievements we would be proud of and our signalling would be strong and clear. For our Life Success and Soul Purpose we will have a solid focus on our confidence and how we bring our genius to life.

With Awaken Your Inner Goddess we can discover ways to repattern our energy field so we can reduce setbacks and stop self-sabotaging. Life takes on genuine partnerships, with more confidence and deeper connections with others who 'get us'. My step-by-step course will prepare you.

When our inner light is shining, the world sees us in our beauty and responds to us in a more elevated way. If you have ever felt lost, alone, as though you don't fit in, then you will want easy strategies to open yourself so you can be more empowered to up-level this adventure we call LIFE.

As we bring to the bountiful platform, our desires and goals, we want to feel we can receive them courageously. If we are wanting more to get to where we want to be financially or personally, or we're feeling stuck, we will learn game-breaking approaches so we can amass the dreams we desire.

Have you ever felt caught up in a futile state of rejecting your inner gifts? Are you living in frustration and unable to fully express yourself? Learn steps and simple exercises so you can develop self-mastery and know your power and purpose. My Blueprint Course will guide you.

The Moon and the Sun draw a gravitational pull to be responsible for the rise and fall of the tides. As our bodies are 60% water, the sway of our emotions are directly related to the design of these elements. We will master the ebb and flow of our existence, so we can be in-sync with the process of the cosmic design to bring a more natural harmony to our lives.
Awaken Your Inner Goddess by Jocelyn Oades
Based in beautiful Aotearoa, New Zealand, Online courses and support available globally
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