Reiki Degree I II and III with Jocelyn Oades
Reiki for Natural Healing
Reiki is a potent life force energy. A Reiki practitioner channels this energy for healing purposes through the laying on of hands. It is the vibration of unconditional love and is a powerful way to bring this healing into your life.
I have been trained in the Japanese Healing Art of The Shinpiden Master Teacher of Komyo Reiki Kai with Hyakuten Inamoto as an Usui Reiki Master Teacher.
Reiki First Degree is for the Physical healing for self and others.Reiki Second Degree is for Emotional and Mental healing.
Reiki Third Degree is for the Sacred Soul level.
In Person and through our online platform we can reach into the very heart of healing. You will learn the ancient art of bringing this Sacred energy to life.
Reiki Master Teacher – Shinpiden by Request
Reiki First Degree - Shoden
Reiki Level I is for the Physical to learn Self Healing first and then for others. It is a potent life force energy. A Reiki practitioner channels this energy for healing purposes through the laying on of hands. It is the vibration of unconditional love and is a powerful way to bring this healing into your life. All cultures have their healing energy, as it lives in all life, in the Earth, Planets, Sun, Moon and Universe and within each of us.
Reiki Second Degree - Chuden
Reiki Level II is for Emotional & Mental healing. It consists of information on 3 symbols and how to use them - healing karma, mental & emotional and distance healing.
The symbols are the essence and formula of Reiki. They are the keys to accessing and passing on this healing system. These archetypes are instinctive patterns and the attunement activates them.
Reiki Third Degree - Okuden
Reiki Level III is for the Sacred energy and Soul level. It gives you the two Master Symbols which are required to carry out healing attunements. At this level it is the letting go of pretense and ego it is the work of a true Master.
Reiki III is enlightenment, aspiring to be accountable for ones actions and dependable enough to support others. We cannot escape the lessons at Reiki III level of consciousness.