Investing in passion and progress is when we are in our healthiest state. This doesn't matter if we are feeling about our career, what we are aiming for or self-care and living forward with hope. The thought is to release being reactive and random but employ being proactive and systematic.
As we are in our creative passionate flow, our brain is oscillating at the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude, which is associated with the ‘feeling of invoking happiness joy and blessings.’ Those with heartfelt emotions are enjoying increased memory recall with vivid interaction. The senses will be heightened with sharper hearing and sense of smell and our brain becomes more responsive to our sensory input. We feel more compassion, and have richer relationships with others.
Four Paths to Happiness
Meditation,fulness, help us relate more passion to the circumstances we wish to be involved in. Our mind is designed to think, it is programmed to be on autopilot, just like our heart. So, if you cant clear the mind try focusing on love for self, and all life.
Our four happy hormones are dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin. These hormones are giving us cues to how to keep alive and to get by. Dopamine seeks the prize and is the feel-good hormone, the motivational habit former and drives our deep reward and craving desire. Oxytocin is stimulated by touch, hugging belonging and trust. It helps us deeply connect and is called the love hormone which improves our immunity and regulates the nervous system. Serotonin makes us feel cheerful, like whistling and feeling good about ourselves, is responsible for our sleep-wake cycle it makes us feel confident and uplifted, and regulates our moods. Endorphins are our natural painkillers and can flood our bodies with excitement and elation like a runner’s high or a deep belly laugh. to engage our core.
Our pathways for wellbeing... Namaste x

Soul Success Life Purpose #17 by Jocelyn Oades