When we feel stuck in work that no longer stimulates us or if we continue learning without doing, we may feel achievement but lack the passion for our life and our purpose by design.
As we challenge ourselves by asking, am I where I want to be? Then our answer will make us question the direction we wish to go in. Once we start questioning, our deeper probing will activate our innate to request answers and open us to possibilities. These possibilities will give us more passion for life and the things we place value on.
Desires and Intentions
Desires are the longing for something to come to us. It is the first aspect of creative visualisation. It is the most important but we will want to back this up by intention.
If we keep wishing hoping, and longing that is what we will get more of. When we hold a desire and back it up with intention this has already happened we then create actualisation.
We then have to choose to receive, to allow the opportunities to come to us, by refusing to say, “I can’t because...” Accepting "I can, I will and I feel it and I have received it." With thankfulness.

Soul Success Life Purpose #11 by Jocelyn Oades