As we release ourselves from being victims of our ancestors and apply forgiveness and healing, we elevate the genetic frequency within our light body. Community group thought may keep us limited in a false belief that we are governed by our gene expression. When we take control of these limited beliefs, we heal our life and that of the past and the future generations. Group participation of developing the evolution of our soul links to the uplifting consciousness of change within our planetary cycle.
Emergence of our Soul
We are shaping our lives each day to either celebrate our existence or continue the circle of emotions which may hold us trapped in myths of false dynamic and group perceptions.
It is time to collect the learnings and use them to assist with advanced techniques to tap into the intense brain waves our body can oscillate at.
Let us merge with those who want a deeper connection to life and our New Earth. Let us transcend the outdated thought patterns and connect to understand how we can reset new neural pathways.

Soul Success Life Purpose #12 by Jocelyn Oades