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Writer's pictureJocelyn Oades

Throwing a Coin into a Well for Luck

It doesn’t matter if you have money plants outside your home or if you are throwing coins into a well for luck or even rubbing the belly of a Buddha. If you have negative beliefs about money and you believe you don't deserve it and are not good at making any, then you are probably right.

Try standing in front of the mirror side on and saying out loud the word ‘money’. Now watch and feel your body... do you move forward positively or sway backward slightly.Then say the word ‘wealth’ and then try 'entrepreneur’. This will alert you to your relationship with finance.

Money is an Energy

Money is just a source of energy you can use for exchange, and to share. Practice making $5 or $10 outside what you usually have. Then step it up to $20, $50, or $100 per day to be unlimited. Whichever YOU are comfortable with. Keep practicing in the mirror.. Xx

Before I was 10 years old, I had worked and saved money to buy a horse and bridle, my headmaster said to me, “Jocelyn, you are a great entrepreneur.” I had no idea fully what he meant. Still, I knew I was focusing on the things essential to go outside the boundaries. I knew I wanted to be fearless and generous.

Push your boundaries to access a wider diversity to engage in a role you love without a huge outlay. There are always risks, but the most significant risk is not having the creative adventures you were born to feel and master. Download my free 5 day abundance challenge

Jocelyn Oades Signature

Soul Success Life Purpose #15 by Jocelyn Oades


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